Saturday, November 23, 2013

3 Strategies to Promote Independent Thinking

Having trouble getting your students to act or think independently? It is a challenge that many teachers face.  Luckily, EduTopia has some advice for teachers facing this problem.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Observation in the Classroom

The English teachers took part in a PD on observation this week. Mr. Bachar Lakhal delivered a very informative and interesting presentation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Al Amir News - May 15, 2013

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Today's Tip

Sometimes Google Translate does not work so well. If you are looking for an alternative, try FREETRANSLATION.COM. It translates websites and texts from English to Arabic.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Al Amir News - May 13, 2013

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Today's Tip

Learning new things is fun, and a great place to learn how this work is HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM. Learn about science, chemistry, or almost anything at all.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Al Amir News - May 12, 2013

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Today's Tip

If you are doing research for a class project, there is no better place to go than the Internet Public Library. Go to IPL.ORG, and get information on any subject, find links to newspapers from all over the world, get the information you need to do your work.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Al Amir News - May 9, 2013

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Today's Tip

Reading – If you want to improve your reading in time for the upcoming exams, then go to the English Lab during break times, and practice some of our interactive reading exercises. See Mr. Amer and arrange a time.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Al Amir News - May 8, 2013

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Today's Tip

Writing – If you are interested in learning to write English better, one great online resource is the Online Writing Lab (OWL) run by Purdue University in the US.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Al Amir News - May 7, 2013

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Today's Tip

Reading – If you read just two newspaper articles a day, by the end of the week, you will have read around 5000 words. If you started today, you will have read over 30,000 words by the end of the trimester. The only way to get better at English is to read.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Al Amir News - May 6, 2013

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Today's Tip

Test Tip – When doing a reading exam, read the QUESTIONS first. If you are a slow reader, you might not have enough time to do the questions if you read the text first. So read the questions first, then the text!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Al Amir News - May 5, 2013

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Today's Tip

Studying – It is important to study in different ways. Don’t just read your notes, say them. Get a friend to say them to you. Re-write them. If you read, write, hear, and speak the information, it becomes much easier to remember.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Al Amir News - May 2, 2013

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Today's Tip

Chrome – If you are often browsing the web, try using the Chrome web browser. Be sure to install the Google Translate extensions so that you can translate web pages from English to Arabic and back. It is a great tool for helping you learn English.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On the Topic of Dedicated Rooms

Al Amir News - May 1, 2013

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Today's Tip

One of the best resources on the internet for learning English is by the BBC. Open your browser and do a search for “BBC Learning English” and get the link to the website. There you will find activities and materials that are helpful for you, no matter what your level of English is.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Al Amir News - April 30, 2013

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Today's Tip

Studying - Space out your studying, you'll learn more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute. By studying every day, the material will stay in your long-term memory but if you try to study at the last moment, the material will only reside in your short-term memory that you'll easily forget.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Al Amir News - April 25, 2013

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Ask Questions

Edmodo – A great way to talk to your fellow students, and to do assignments in class, whether at school or at home, is Edmodo. As your teacher if you can use Edmodo in your class!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Al Amir News - April 24, 2013

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Ask Questions

If CEPA students do our daily writing assignment, every day for the next two weeks, they will get high marks for their project mark. As a bonus, these assignments can be included in your portfolio, which will help your portfolio mark improve!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Al Amir News - April 22, 2013

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The best way to write notes and stay in touch with everything you need to know is through Evernote. Evernote is a free program that lets you organize all your notes, and the best part is that you can access those notes on your home computer, your mobile, or tablet.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Al Amir News - April 21, 2013

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It is best to review the material right after class when it's still fresh in your memory. Read your notes on the bus ride home.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Al Amir News - April 18, 2013

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Today's Tip
iTunes Podcasts - The only way to get better at English is to read or listen every day. If you download and open iTunes, you can go to the iTunes store, and subscribe to English podcasts for free! They have podcasts for everything you love, from cars, to football, to video games.

Al Amir News - April 17, 2013

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Today's Tip
STUDYING - Take short breaks frequently. Your memory retains the information that you study at the beginning and the end better than what you study in the middle.

Al Amir News - April 16, 2013

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Today's Tip
QUIZLET - The best way to learn vocabulary it to use flipcards, and the best flipcards online are from Quizlet. Give it a try at